How Can You Help?

Your support has paid over $318,100 in delivery bills.

324 families - 330 babies nationwide.

This would not be possible without the generosity of those who believe in our mission and want to make a difference. 

It is important for this foundation to serve families who have stillborns and who have experienced unrecoverable hopes and dreams for that child.  We believe that while we cannot ease the heartache associated with the loss of a baby, we can help to alleviate the financial stress that follows.


When a family bears the pain of having a stillborn, the confusion is endless, the anger is unforgiving, and their arms are empty but the medical bills still arrive in the mail.  The purpose of Hayden’s Helping Hands is to raise money through fundraising and sponsorships to pay for or help pay for those bills.  






Why Donate?

Stillbirth is the death of an infant in-utero after 20 completed gestational weeks. The majority of these deaths occur at or near full term, they are otherwise healthy babies that die shortly before or during birth. More than 20,000 babies are stillborn in the United States each year. These deaths are unpredictable, and there are no identifiable risk factors. They cut across socio-economic classes, races, religions, body types and maternal age groups. No woman or family is immune. The delivery medical expenses for a stillbirth can cost upward of $30,000 without insurance. 


If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please mail it to: Hayden's Helping Hands

PO Box 2041 Clackamas, OR 97015 or click the above yellow "Donate" PayPal link.


*If you are making a donation in memory of a stillborn baby, and would like the family to receive notification of your donation, please email with contact information and the baby’s name. When we receive this information, an ‘in honor of...’ card will be sent. 


Hayden's Helping Hands - Charitable Partnership Fund 501(c)3 ID: 93-1267966